
Highlighting Region A

Monday, February 26, 2024

In the short time that I have been here, Region A participated in a tabletop drill with Catoosa County and CHI Memorial Georgia Hospital. The tabletop was a big success and had a huge turnout of participants from different municipalities. The scenario was written in a way to include and highlight the services, equipment, and guidance of all disciplines including the Region A Coalition and how the Coalition can assist in a time of disaster. A lot of the other disciplines had no idea the resources that the Coalition / Region A has available. A lot of great information and suggestions, along with ways to improve were shared. We will be doing a full-scale exercise with them in the spring. This area has firsthand experience when tragedy hits. Catoosa County had a massive vehicle pileup of over 100 vehicles in March 2002 and experienced a very destructive EF4 tornado that hit in April 2011. The public safety community went above and beyond with these incidents. The collaboration between the local communities and public safety helped to create an unstoppable community bond. Together we can accomplish anything. This is what stands out most to me in Region A.

-Sandy Hullander, Region A Healthcare Coalition Facilitator